Friday, May 25, 2012

Angelina Jolie Takes Her Kids To The London Aquarium!

While Brad Pitt is at work, Angelina Jolie and the kids go out to play!
After enjoying a private screening of the new Harry Potter film, Angelina took her kids to go see sea animals.
Splish splash!
Angelina really looks at peace with all those little ones. It's good to see they're being raised with constant affection and [...]

Um, we wouldn't call rub burn an injury, okay?!

Recall back, if you can, to about a year ago. Lindsay Lohan was in rehab (again), specifically at the Betty Ford Clinic. Around the time we was scheduled to be release, an incident occurred between herself and a staffer by the name of Dawn Holland. While Lindsay denied all of the woman's claims, Dawn insisted that LiLo attacked her by twisting and pulling her wrist for 8-10 seconds.

We'd thought the woman had let the whole thing go since her lawsuit fell through, but she is back again today, claiming she will be having surgery later this week to repair the damage done to her wrist by LiLo. She supposedly is suffering from De Quervain syndrome, which her doctor describes as "tendinosis of the sheath or tunnel that surrounds two tendons that control movement of the thumb." Symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling and difficulty gripping.

Now, we did a little Google research ourselves and while a direct blow can result in this condition, it primarily develops if the thumb has been injured, not the wrist. Furthermore, it more commonly develops from overusing, like Carpal Tunnel.

So, basically we're calling this BS. The only syndrome she is suffering from is Chronic Fame Whoring Disorder. Give her 15 minutes of your attention then be on your way.

[Image via WENN.]

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